What is Vedic Maths? History, Benefits, Sutras & Tricks

What is Vedic Maths? History, Benefits, Sutras & Tricks

What is Vedic Maths?

Mathematics has always been an integral part of our lives. From calculating grocery bills to solving complex equations, we rely on math more than we realize. However, for many, math can be daunting and challenging. But what if there was a way to make math easier and more enjoyable? Enter Vedic Maths, a system of ancient Indian mathematics that offers a fresh perspective on numbers and calculations.

Vedic Maths Meaning

Vedic Maths is not just about memorizing formulas or crunching numbers with a calculator. It’s a holistic approach to mathematics that taps into the natural abilities of the human mind. Derived from ancient Indian scriptures called the Vedas, Vedic Maths encompasses a set of techniques and principles that simplify arithmetic and algebraic operations. These techniques are based on sixteen Sutras (aphorisms) and thirteen sub-Sutras, which serve as guiding principles for solving mathematical problems efficiently.

Enhance Your Math Skills with Vedic Maths!

Imagine being able to solve complex calculations in your head within seconds. With Vedic Maths, this seemingly impossible feat becomes achievable. The beauty of Vedic Maths lies in its emphasis on mental math techniques that enable individuals to perform calculations swiftly and accurately without relying on pen and paper or electronic devices.

By mastering Vedic Maths techniques, you can enhance your computational skills, boost your confidence in math, and develop a deeper understanding of numerical relationships. Whether you’re a student struggling with math or an adult looking to sharpen your mental faculties, Vedic Maths offers a treasure trove of tools to unlock your mathematical potential.

The Father of Vedic Mathematics and History

The origins of Vedic Maths can be traced back to the ancient Indian scholar Bharati Krishna Tirtha, popularly known as Swami Bharati Krishna Tirthaji. Born in 1884, Swami Bharati Krishna Tirthaji was a brilliant mathematician and spiritual leader who delved into the ancient Vedic texts to uncover mathematical gems hidden within.

Through years of intensive study and meditation, Swami Bharati Krishna Tirthaji decoded the mathematical principles embedded in the Vedas and systematized them into what is now known as Vedic Maths. His seminal work, “Vedic Mathematics,” published in 1965, introduced the world to a revolutionary approach to mathematics that transcends cultural and geographical boundaries.

Benefits of Vedic Maths to Students

For students grappling with math anxiety or struggling to grasp mathematical concepts, Vedic Maths offers a ray of hope. The application of Vedic Maths techniques in education can lead to a myriad of benefits, including:

Improved Problem-Solving Skills: 

Vedic Maths fosters a problem-solving mindset by encouraging students to approach mathematical problems from different angles. Instead of relying on rote memorization or following fixed algorithms, students learn to think creatively and devise innovative solutions to complex problems. This enhances their critical thinking abilities and equips them with valuable skills that extend beyond the realm of mathematics.

Enhanced Memory Retention: 

The mnemonic techniques employed in Vedic Maths not only aid in swift calculations but also facilitate better memory retention. By associating mathematical concepts with vivid imagery or patterns, students can recall information more effectively and retain it in their long-term memory. This enhanced memory retention not only benefits their performance in mathematics but also in other subjects and everyday tasks.

Reduction in Math Anxiety: 

For many students, math anxiety can be a significant barrier to learning and academic success. Vedic Maths offers a refreshing approach that alleviates anxiety by simplifying mathematical concepts and making them more accessible. The step-by-step techniques and emphasis on mental math empower students to tackle math problems with confidence, gradually diminishing their fear of mathematics and fostering a positive attitude towards learning.

Customized Learning Experience:

 Vedic Maths is not a one-size-fits-all approach; instead, it allows for a personalized learning experience tailored to each student’s strengths and weaknesses. Educators can adapt Vedic Maths techniques to accommodate diverse learning styles, ensuring that every student has the opportunity to thrive. Whether through visual aids, hands-on activities, or collaborative learning, Vedic Maths offers flexibility in teaching methods that cater to the individual needs of students.

Real-World Application:

 Unlike abstract mathematical concepts that may seem disconnected from everyday life, Vedic Maths emphasizes the practical application of mathematics in real-world scenarios. By illustrating how mathematical principles apply to everyday situations, students gain a deeper appreciation for the relevance and utility of mathematics beyond the confines of the classroom. This fosters a sense of curiosity and curiosity, motivating students to explore the world through a mathematical lens and recognize the inherent beauty of numbers in their surroundings.

Preparation for Future Success: 

The skills acquired through Vedic Maths go beyond academic achievement and lay the foundation for future success in various aspects of life. Whether pursuing higher education, entering the workforce, or navigating daily challenges, students equipped with strong mathematical skills and problem-solving abilities are better positioned to excel in their endeavors. Vedic Maths instills resilience, adaptability, and a growth mindset, empowering students to overcome obstacles and seize opportunities with confidence.

Benefit of Vedic Maths to Schools

Incorporating Vedic Maths into the school curriculum can yield numerous advantages for educational institutions:

Engagement and Interest:

 Traditional methods of teaching mathematics often fail to capture the interest and attention of students. By introducing Vedic Maths techniques, schools can make math more engaging and enjoyable, fostering a positive learning environment where students actively participate and excel.

Customized Learning:

 Vedic Maths offers a personalized approach to learning, allowing students to progress at their own pace and tailor their learning experience to suit their individual needs and preferences. This flexibility accommodates diverse learning styles and ensures that no student is left behind.

Cross-Curricular Integration: 

The principles of Vedic Maths transcend the boundaries of mathematics and can be seamlessly integrated into other subjects, such as physics, chemistry, and even language arts. By incorporating Vedic Maths into interdisciplinary lessons, schools can foster a holistic approach to education that promotes critical thinking and creativity.

Preparation for Competitive Exams:

 In an increasingly competitive academic landscape, students often face pressure to excel in standardized tests and entrance exams. Vedic Maths equips students with the tools they need to tackle complex problems efficiently, giving them a competitive edge in examinations and future academic pursuits.

Long-Term Benefits: 

The skills acquired through Vedic Maths extend beyond the classroom and into real-world scenarios. By instilling a deep understanding of mathematical concepts and fostering problem-solving skills, schools prepare students for success in higher education, careers, and everyday life.

Vedic Maths Sutras

At the heart of Vedic Maths are the sixteen Sutras, or aphorisms, which serve as guiding principles for mathematical computation. These Sutras encapsulate the essence of Vedic Mathematics and provide a framework for solving a wide range of mathematical problems with ease. Some of the key Vedic Maths Sutras include:

Ekadhikena Purvena: 

“By one more than the previous one.” This Sutra is used for multiplication by numbers close to a base.

Nikhilam Navatashcaramam Dashatah:

 “All from nine and the last from ten.” This Sutra simplifies subtraction by complementing numbers to the nearest multiple of ten.


 “Vertically and crosswise.” This Sutra facilitates multiplication of numbers by breaking them down into simpler components and multiplying them vertically and crosswise.

Paravartya Yojayet: 

“Transpose and apply.” This Sutra aids in division by transforming the divisor to make the division process more straightforward.

Shesanyankena Charamena: 

The remainder by the last digit.” This Sutra expedites division by focusing on the remainders obtained during the division process.

Vedic Maths Tricks

Vedic Maths isn’t just another set of math rules; it’s a holistic approach to number-crunching deeply rooted in ancient Indian scriptures called the Vedas. This methodology harnesses the power of mental mathematics, making calculations faster, simpler, and more intuitive. Now, let’s get down to the nitty-gritty of Vedic Maths tricks. 

Vedic Maths Tricks on Addition

Ever struggled with long addition problems that seem to stretch for miles? Well, fret not! Vedic Maths has got your back with some nifty tricks up its sleeve.

Vedic Maths Trick Addition with Double to Single Digits:

Here’s a simple yet powerful Vedic Maths trick for adding double-digit numbers to single-digit numbers:

Let’s take an example: 14 + 7

Step 1: Break down the double-digit number into its components, i.e., 14 = 10 + 4

Step 2: Add the single-digit number to the first component, i.e., 10 + 7 = 17

Step 3: Add the remaining component, i.e., 17 + 4 = 21

Voila! You’ve got your answer in a jiffy, without breaking a sweat.

Vedic Maths Addition Trick with Example in 2 Digits Numbers

For adding two-digit numbers, let’s consider an example: 35 + 48

Step 1: Add the unit digits, i.e., 5 + 8 = 13 (write down 3 and carry over 1)

Step 2: Add the tens digits along with the carryover, i.e., 3 + 4 + 1 (carryover) = 8

So, the result is 83.

Vedic Maths Tricks on Subtraction

Subtraction can be simplified and made more efficient using Vedic Maths techniques. Here are some examples:

Subtracting from a base number:

Let’s say we want to subtract 46 from 100.

Step 1: Find the difference between the number and its base (100 in this case), i.e., 100 – 46 = 54.

Step 2: Subtract the difference from the base, i.e., 100 – 54 = 46.

So, the result is 54. This method can be applied to any number and base.

Subtracting near multiples of 10:

Consider the subtraction of 39 from 50.

Step 1: Add the difference between the numbers to the smaller number’s tens digit, i.e., 5 + (9 – 0) = 14.

Step 2: Write down the result followed by the difference between the units digits, i.e., 14 and 9.

So, the result is 11.

Vedic Maths Tricks on Multiplication

Multiplication, often considered a tedious task, can be made simpler and quicker with Vedic Maths techniques. Here’s how:

Multiplying by base subtraction:

Suppose we want to multiply 32 by 25.

Step 1: Subtract each number from its base (25) to get deviations, i.e., 25 – 32 = -7 and 25 – 32 = -8.

Step 2: Multiply the deviations, i.e., (-7) * (-8) = 56.

Step 3: Subtract the product from one of the numbers, i.e., 32 – 56 = -24.

So, the result is 800.

Multiplying near numbers:

Let’s multiply 98 by 95.

Step 1: Identify the difference between the numbers, i.e., 98 – 95 = 3.

Step 2: Subtract this difference from one of the numbers, i.e., 98 – 3 = 95.

Step 3: Multiply the result by the other number, i.e., 95 * 95 = 9025.

So, the result is 9025.

Vedic Maths Trick of Squares

Finding squares of numbers can be expedited using Vedic Maths. Here’s a simple trick:

Squaring numbers ending in 5:

Consider squaring 35.

Step 1: Multiply the tens digit by the next higher digit, i.e., 3 * (3 + 1) = 12.

Step 2: Write down the result followed by 25 (since the number ends in 5), i.e., 1225.

So, the square of 35 is 1225.


In conclusion, Vedic Maths isn’t just about crunching numbers; it’s a transformative approach to mathematics that can revolutionize the way we perceive and interact with numbers. At Medh, we’re passionate about empowering students and educators with essential skills like mental math through our cutting-edge educational courses. Whether you’re a student struggling with math or a teacher seeking innovative teaching methods, our Medh courses are designed to cater to your needs. 

So, why settle for ordinary when you can embrace the extraordinary? Join us at Medh!

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