8 Vedic Maths Tricks

8 Best Vedic Math Tricks to Calculate Faster

In a world where numbers govern so much of our daily lives, mastering mathematics can often feel like an uphill battle. From calculating tips at a restaurant to solving complex equations in school or at work, numbers are everywhere. However, what if there was a way to make math simpler, faster, and more enjoyable? Say hello to Vedic Mathematics – a cool set of ancient math tricks that can make even the hardest problems seem like a piece of cake! In this article, we’re going to take a trip through the world of Vedic Maths. We’ll discover where it came from, what it’s all about, and why learning it might just be the best thing you ever do for your math skills! 

What is Meant By Vedic Mathematics?

Vedic Mathematics traces its roots back to ancient India, where it was first documented in the Vedas, the oldest sacred texts of Hinduism. Developed by ancient sages, Vedic Mathematics comprises a set of mathematical principles and techniques designed to simplify complex calculations and enhance mental math skills. Unlike conventional methods, which often rely on rote memorization and lengthy procedures, Vedic Maths encourages a more intuitive and efficient approach to problem-solving.

At the core of Vedic Mathematics are sixteen Sutras (aphorisms) and thirteen sub-Sutras, which serve as the foundation for various mathematical operations. These Sutras cover a wide range of topics, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, algebra, geometry, and calculus. By applying these Sutras, students can perform calculations swiftly and accurately, often in a fraction of the time it would take using traditional methods.

One of the key principles of Vedic Mathematics is its emphasis on simplicity and elegance. Rather than relying on cumbersome algorithms, Vedic Maths offers elegant shortcuts and mental techniques that allow users to tackle complex problems with ease. These techniques not only streamline the learning process but also foster a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts, enabling students to develop strong problem-solving skills.

What are the Benefits of Learning Vedic Mathematics?

The benefits of learning Vedic Mathematics are manifold and extend beyond just improving calculation speed. Here are some of the key advantages:

Speed and Accuracy: One of the most noticeable benefits of Vedic Mathematics is its ability to enhance calculation speed and accuracy. By mastering Vedic techniques, students can perform arithmetic operations swiftly and with a high degree of precision. This not only saves time but also reduces the likelihood of errors, making math less daunting and more enjoyable.

Improved Mental Math Skills: Vedic Mathematics places a strong emphasis on mental calculation techniques, enabling students to perform complex computations in their heads. This not only boosts confidence but also enhances mental agility and sharpens cognitive abilities. With practice, students can become adept at performing rapid mental calculations, a skill that proves invaluable in everyday life situations.

Enhanced Problem-Solving Abilities: By teaching students to approach problems from multiple angles and perspectives, Vedic Mathematics fosters a more flexible and creative mindset. Rather than relying on fixed algorithms, students learn to adapt their strategies to suit the problem at hand, developing a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts in the process. This cultivates critical thinking skills and equips students with the tools they need to tackle real-world challenges with confidence.

Versatility and Applicability: Another advantage of Vedic Mathematics is its versatility and applicability across different fields of study. Whether you’re a student, a professional, or simply someone looking to sharpen their math skills, the principles of Vedic Maths can be applied to a wide range of disciplines, including science, engineering, finance, and even everyday tasks such as budgeting and time management.

Cultivation of Interest in Mathematics: Perhaps most importantly, learning Vedic Mathematics can reignite a passion for mathematics and transform it from a daunting subject into an engaging and enjoyable pursuit. By making math more accessible and intuitive, Vedic techniques can instill a sense of curiosity and wonder, inspiring students to explore the beauty and elegance of mathematics.

8 Best Vedic Maths Tricks

Vedic Maths is a system of mathematical techniques rooted in ancient Indian scriptures known as the Vedas. These techniques, which have been passed down through generations, offer a fresh perspective on approaching mathematical problems. By leveraging simple yet powerful methods, Vedic Maths allows individuals to tackle even the most daunting of equations with ease. Let’s explore some of the best Vedic Maths tricks that can revolutionize the way you approach numbers.

Ekadhikena Purvena (One More than the Previous)

This technique simplifies multiplication by breaking down complex multiplication problems into smaller, more manageable steps. Instead of directly multiplying two large numbers, you first multiply one number by the next consecutive number and then adjust the result accordingly. For example, to find 13 × 14, you multiply 13 by the next consecutive number, 14, resulting in 182. Then, add one more than the previous number (13 + 1 = 14) to get the final answer: 182 + 14 = 196.

Nikhilam Navatashcaramam Dashatah (All from 9 and the Last from 10)

This technique simplifies subtraction by complementing numbers based on their distance from multiples of 10. For instance, to subtract 786 from 1000, you find the complement of each digit from 9 and the last from 10. Therefore, 786 becomes 214. This technique not only speeds up subtraction but also reduces the chances of errors.

Urdhva-Tiryagbhyam (Vertically and Crosswise)

Urdhva-Tiryagbhyam is a powerful technique for solving complex multiplication problems with ease. By breaking down numbers into components and cross-multiplying them, you can swiftly arrive at the answer. For example, to multiply 23 by 21, you multiply the tens and units digits vertically and crosswise, resulting in 2 × 2 = 4 and 3 × 1 = 3. Combining these results gives you 4 (cross product) and 3 (sum of vertical products), resulting in 483.

Antyayor Dasake’pi (The Remainder on the Last Two Digits)

This technique simplifies division by focusing solely on the last two digits of the dividend and divisor. By understanding the relationship between these digits, you can quickly determine the remainder without performing lengthy division. For example, to divide 147 by 12, you only need to consider the last two digits: 47 ÷ 12 = 3 remainder 11.

Anurupyena (Proportionality)

Anurupyena is a technique that simplifies division problems by leveraging proportionality. By adjusting the divisor and dividend proportionally, you can arrive at the quotient quickly. For instance, to divide 64 by 8, you can double both the divisor and dividend to get 128 ÷ 16 = 8.

Yavadunam Tavadunikritya Varga Chyah (Squaring of Numbers Close to a Base)

This technique simplifies squaring numbers that are close to a base number, making mental calculations faster and more accurate. For example, to square 96, which is close to 100, you subtract the difference (4) from 100 and then add the square of the difference (16) to get 9216.

Shunyam Saamyasamuccaye (When the Sum is the Same, That Sum is Zero)

This technique simplifies addition by focusing on the sum of numbers with similar digits. If the sum of two numbers is a multiple of 10, the sum of those numbers is zero. For instance, 27 + 73 = 100, making the sum of these numbers zero.

Yaavadunam (Whatever the Extent of its Deprivation)

This technique simplifies multiplication of numbers with a base. By understanding the extent of deviation from the base, you can swiftly calculate the product. For example, to multiply 96 by 96, you can adjust both numbers based on their deviation from 100, resulting in 96 × 96 = (4 × 4) = 16.

Who is the Father of Vedic Maths?

It’s essential to pay homage to its visionary pioneer – Bharati Krishna Tirtha, fondly remembered as Swami Bharati Krishna Tirtha. This revered scholar and spiritual leader played a pivotal role in bringing Vedic Maths to the forefront of modern education. Through his seminal work, “Vedic Mathematics,” Swami Bharati Krishna Tirtha meticulously documented the ancient mathematical principles found in the Vedas, making them accessible to learners worldwide. His profound contributions have rightfully earned him the title of the Father of Vedic Maths, immortalizing his legacy for generations to come.

Benefits Of Learning Vedic Mathematics Tricks for Kids

Vedic Maths offers a myriad of benefits, especially for children who are just beginning to grasp mathematical concepts. Here are some of the advantages of incorporating Vedic Maths into a child’s education:

Enhances Mental Calculation Skills:

One of the most significant advantages of Vedic Maths is its focus on mental calculation techniques. Traditional methods often rely heavily on pen and paper, but Vedic Maths encourages students to perform calculations mentally, improving their speed and accuracy.

Boosts Confidence:

By mastering Vedic Maths tricks, children gain confidence in their mathematical abilities. The simplicity and efficiency of these techniques empower students to tackle complex problems with ease, instilling a sense of accomplishment and self-assurance.

Develops Problem-Solving Skills:

Vedic Maths promotes creative problem-solving by offering multiple approaches to solving a single problem. This encourages children to think outside the box and explore different strategies, fostering a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts.

Cultivates Interest in Mathematics:

Traditional methods of teaching mathematics can sometimes be dry and uninspiring. Vedic Maths, with its emphasis on speed and simplicity, injects an element of fun into learning. Children are more likely to stay engaged and motivated when they find mathematics enjoyable and accessible.

Improves Concentration:

Mastering Vedic Maths requires focus and concentration. As children practice mental calculation techniques, they gradually enhance their ability to concentrate for extended periods, a skill that can benefit them in various aspects of their academic and personal lives.


In conclusion, Vedic Maths offers a refreshing approach to learning mathematics, making it accessible and enjoyable for students of all ages. By incorporating ancient techniques with modern teaching methods, Vedic Maths not only enhances mathematical skills but also fosters creativity, confidence, and critical thinking. Medh’s Vedic Maths course can be a good introduction to Vedic Maths tips and tricks and will help you have a strong foundation for the subject. Whether used as a supplement to traditional curriculum or as a standalone program, Vedic Maths has the potential to revolutionize the way we perceive and teach mathematics. 

FAQs on Vedic Maths

While Vedic Maths is particularly beneficial for children due to its focus on mental calculation techniques, individuals of all ages can benefit from learning these methods.

No, Vedic Maths is designed to be accessible to learners of all levels. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced mathematician, you can start learning Vedic Maths techniques right away.

Absolutely! Many schools around the world have already incorporated Vedic Maths into their curriculum with positive results. Its simplicity and effectiveness make it a valuable addition to any math program.

Yes, there are numerous books, online courses, and educational resources dedicated to teaching Vedic Maths. Additionally, many qualified instructors offer workshops and classes both online and in-person.

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